MMI announces global imaging services collaboration with Micron

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Otorhino – laryngology
Otorhino – laryngology
Thoraco – abdominal
Thoraco – abdominal
Group 2096

The MMI Advantage

Spine 3
75+ Years of Combined Neuroimaging Expertise

MMI’s in-house scientific staff have 75+ years of combined experience in neuroimaging, and that doesn’t even include the experience of our diverse panel of experts and key opinion leaders!

CV 2
Validated, Advanced Image Analysis Capabilities

MMI provides validated  third-party tools that have been integrated into MMI’s proprietary system to support advanced image analysis and 3D volumetric evaluation of various disease conditions.

Neuro 3
Strategic Partnerships and Affiliations

MMI provides access to leading radiologists, surgeons and interventionalists supporting neurology clinical trials.

Experience and Expertise

MMI’s team of scientists are experienced in both preclinical and clinical neuroimaging research, with over 75 years of collective experience in the field. We work with some of the leading global device and biopharmaceutical companies pursuing various treatments in the brain and are uniquely positioned to support your clinical trial needs.

Modality Expertise

CT Perfusion
3D Angiography
MR Perfusion

MMI is experienced in a wide-array of neurological studies, including acute ischemic stroke, brain aneurysms, brain neoplasms, traumatic brain injury, electro-magnetic detection of brain pathologies, and embolic protection studies. We have evaluated a wide variety of treatments and devices, including matrix-, stent- and balloon-assisted coiling of aneurysms, neurovascular thrombectomy devices, embolic protection devices, virus therapies for malignant brain tumors, neuronal physiology and metabolite variation studies, tractography and white-matter studies, functional MRI (fMRI), and advanced quantitative brain volume/atrophy analysis.

Our technical staff includes Masters- and PhD-level managers with experience in intra-cranial imaging and neurology trials. Our experts are recognized leaders in neurology, vascular imaging, and medicine. They include presidents of major professional societies, editors of leading journals, division chiefs of surgery, department chairs of radiology, national scientific award winners, and expert advisors to the FDA.


Analysis Capabilities

Brain morphology (e.g. volume, lesion burden, atrophy)
Relaxometry studies (e.g. T1p mapping, T2 mapping)
Micro-infarct quantification
Lesion characterization (e.g. RANO, location, area)
Ablation quantification
Recanalization and reperfusion (e.g. ASPECTS, mTICI)
Aneurysm evaluation (e.g. neck width, occlusion, recanalization)
Trauma (e.g. ICH, CSF Leaks, cerebral contusion)
Identification of infarct locations
Identification of infarct locations
DSA images showing pre- and post-treatment of an aneurysm with a flow diverter
DSA images showing pre- and post-treatment of an aneurysm with a flow diverter
3D angiography illustrating pre- and post- treatment of a wide-neck aneurysm with coiling and stenting
3D angiography illustrating pre- and post- treatment of a wide-neck aneurysm with coiling and stenting
DWI and ADC map capturing micro-infarcts in the brain following a TAVR procedure
DWI and ADC map capturing micro-infarcts in the brain following a TAVR procedure

Some of Our Experts

Willem Jan van Rooij, MD PhD

Interventional Neuroradiologist, Algemeen Ziekenhuis Turnhout

Dr. van Rooij specializes in imaging of aneurysms and stroke, and has published extensively on these topics, with an impressive resume of over 230 peer-reviewed publications. He currently serves on the editorial board of multiple scientific journals, including AJNR, Interventional Neuroradiology, The Open Neurosurgery Journal, and World Journal of Radiology. Dr. van Rooij obtained his MD and PhD at the University of Utrecht, Netherlands, and currently practices as an Interventional Radiologist at Algemeen Ziekenhuis Turnhout.

Reade A. De Leacy, MD, BSc, MBBS

Asst. Professor, Neurosurgery, Mount Sinai
Dr. De Leacy is the Director of the Neurointerventional Spine Program and Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery and Radiology in the Cerebrovascular Center at The Mount Sinai Hospital. Additionally, he serves as Director of Cerebrovascular Services at Mount Sinai Queens. Dr. De Leacy has published multiple peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters in diagnostic neuroradiology, interventional radiology, and neuroendovascular surgery. Dr. De Leacy specializes in the endovascular treatment of cerebrovascular disorders including acute stroke, carotid stenosis, brain aneurysms, arteriovenous malformations, and minimally invasive spinal surgeries including biopsy, kyphoplasty, and ablative therapy for spinal and paraspinal tumors.

Let MMI provide insights into your clinical study imaging.

Have questions? We’ll connect you immediately to one of our scientific managers and imaging experts. Your time is precious, and we want to make the most out of it.

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