Call for Spine Research Grant Applications

April 2024


Medical Metrics, Inc. (MMI; website) is a medical imaging services and solutions provider dedicated to generating objective data and metrics for use in research and clinical applications. Our mission is to positively impact clinical outcomes by providing clinicians with accurate, reproducible, and objective data that permit the characterization of pathology, treatment planning and monitoring. This call for research grant applications focuses on spinal disorders.
MMI’s expertise and contributions to spine research are summarized here and include support for over 300 clinical trials and research studies that have resulted in several hundred peer-reviewed journal publications and conference proceedings. MMI’s spine R&D program is led by Dr. John Hipp, the company’s founder and its Chief Scientific Officer. Dr. Hipp is the 2022 NASS Henry Farfan award recipient for his outstanding contributions to spine research (PubMed® bibliography).
MMI has developed SpineCAMP™, an image analysis technology that utilizes Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning methodologies to quantify a variety of radiographic parameters including intervertebral motion, spine alignment, and vertebral morphology. The technology is US FDA 510(k) cleared as a Software as a Medical Device (SaMD). More information on SpineCAMP may be found by visiting the product webpage.

We are interested in partnering with collaborators to advance the field by combining radiographic data with other signals including, but not limited to functional, clinical, biochemical, genetic, and socio-economic data. Of special interest are research projects that would pave the way to the introduction of validated, efficacious, and inexpensive diagnostic tests for patients with spinal disorders. This includes research addressing significant gaps in current knowledge and evidence required to fully understand the role of a test in both diagnosis and treatment planning. The following are examples of how the proposed research may be structured:

  • Retrospective analyses of previously collected data, where such use of data is feasible;
  • Development and validation of de novo “companion diagnostics”, i.e., tests that assist in predicting both good and bad outcomes for a specific treatment or class of treatment. This includes the development of calculators to predict the risk/probability of good or bad treatment outcomes.
  • Utilization of established spine registries where the aim of the registry is to improve clinical outcomes for patients suffering from spinal disorders. 
  • Collaboration with other stakeholders in the field of spine care such as imaging technology companies, medical device and biologics companies, experts from other clinical sub-specialties besides those of the investigator, payers, research funding agencies, etc.


MMI intends to fund multiple research grants to appropriate investigator’s institution. The MMI Grants & Donations Review Committee will consider applications and will award grants consistent with the AdvaMed Code guidance related to supporting independent third-party research (link). MMI intends to fully comply with all applicable rules and regulations in the consideration and awarding of grants, including the Sunshine Act reporting obligations as appropriate. Researchers at any stage of their career may apply. Junior applicants (within two years of completion of their clinical/surgical fellowships or doctoral programs) are encouraged to include senior researchers as collaborators.
For a summary of SpineCAMP’s current analysis capabilities, please contact us via email at


Applicants seeking research grants should submit a Letter of Intent (LoI) no later than 12 PM/US Central, June 01, 2024, via email to Letters of Intent should include the following sections/information.

  1. Name of the Investigator
  2. Primary Institutional Affiliation and Title
  3. Professional Society Memberships, Affiliations, and Appointments
  4. Title of Project
  5. Name(s) of any Collaborator(s) and their primary institutional affiliation(s) and title(s)
  6. Brief background statement and clinical problem/knowledge gap to be addressed
  7. Research questions/hypotheses
  8. Describe how the research may eventually lead to a practical diagnostic tool for spinal disorders that includes objective analysis of medical imaging
  9. Proposed methods, including relevant protocols, time to completion/publication of the study.
  10. Requests for research grants should also document the nature and scope of the research activity, the approximate duration of the research, and where applicable, the requirements for independent authorizations or approvals
  11. Other sources of funding for this project, if applicable
  12. Describe the resources you have available for the project, including access to requisite datasets
  13. Budget and how the funds are planned to be used, e.g. equipment, staff salaries, statistical support, IRB approvals, publication costs, and other direct expenses.

The LoIs will be reviewed by a committee and assessed for clinical significance, methodology, and feasibility. MMI may request additional information upon review of the grant application and will expect applicants to respond promptly when such information is requested. Award decisions are expected to be made by June 15, 2024 and award of funding is subject to the investigator and their institutions acceptance of the terms of research grant funding.
