MMI announces global imaging services collaboration with Micron

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Image Quality & Site Compliance Monitoring

Every image that arrives at MMI is reviewed to ensure consistency in quality and compliance to imaging protocols. We understand better than anyone that high-quality imaging translates directly to high quality, reliable imaging outcomes.
Image Quality & Site Compliance Monitoring
Image Quality & Site Compliance Monitoring main image

Quality Images In Quality Data Out

MMI understands the critical need for acquiring high-quality imaging that is consistent across sites for your study. Throughout the study, we monitor sites for ongoing compliance to imaging protocols. As images are received, our analysts and qualified radiologic technicians conduct systematic checks for labeling and quality, including but not limited to correct demographic information, proper subject positioning, proper acquisition parameters, missing images, adequate image quality (contrast, resolution, centering, field-of-view, etc.), and appropriate use of image calibration devices.
MMI provides timely notification of errors in image quality and labeling to minimize mislabeled or non-evaluable images. We promptly notify sites of discrepancies in image labeling and quality and provide valuable feedback for improvements. Discrepancies are resolved through direct communication with the site and sponsor, and all queries are electronically documented and tracked in our discrepancy management system to assure timely follow-up and close-out. Cumulative discrepancy reports may also be generated upon request to identify sites with systematic deviations requiring further training.
Image Quality & Site Compliance Monitoring main image

Quality Images In

Quality Data Out

MMI understands the critical need for acquiring high-quality imaging that is consistent across sites for your study. Throughout the study, we monitor sites for ongoing compliance to imaging protocols. As images are received, our analysts and qualified radiologic technicians conduct systematic checks for labeling and quality, including but not limited to correct demographic information, proper subject positioning, proper acquisition parameters, missing images, adequate image quality (contrast, resolution, centering, field-of-view, etc.), and appropriate use of image calibration devices.

MMI understands the critical need for acquiring high-quality imaging that is consistent across sites for your study. Throughout the study, we monitor sites for ongoing compliance to imaging protocols. As images are received, our analysts and qualified radiologic technicians conduct systematic checks for labeling and quality, including but not limited to correct demographic information, proper subject positioning, 

MMI provides timely notification of errors in image quality and labeling to minimize mislabeled or non-evaluable images. We promptly notify sites of discrepancies in image labeling and quality and provide valuable feedback for improvements. Discrepancies are resolved through direct communication with the site and sponsor, and all queries are electronically documented and tracked in our discrepancy management system to assure timely follow-up and close-out. Cumulative discrepancy reports may also be generated upon request to identify sites with systematic deviations requiring further training.

proper acquisition parameters, missing images, adequate image quality (contrast, resolution, centering, field-of-view, etc.), and appropriate use of image calibration devices. MMI provides timely notification of errors in image quality and labeling to minimize mislabeled or non-evaluable images. We promptly notify sites of discrepancies in image labeling and quality and provide valuable feedback for improvements. Discrepancies are resolved through direct communication with the site and sponsor, and all queries are electronically documented and tracked in our discrepancy management system to assure timely follow-up and close-out. Cumulative discrepancy reports may also be generated upon request to identify sites with systematic deviations requiring further training.


Ongoing, Systematic Image Labeling and Quality Checks

Project-specific imaging protocol compliance checks

Atlas-based checks for common image quality issues

Standard reporting on image quality for each modality and visit

Electronic tracking of missing, mislabeled, and non-evaluable images

Site compliance monitoring on image acquisition and transfer

Electronic discrepancy management and reporting

Prompt notification, investigation, and resolution of discrepancies

How can we help?

Rest assured, MMI will serve as dutiful gatekeepers to your imaging database – only quality images may enter.

Want to be proactive in ensuring quality images for your study?

Worried about consistency of image acquisition across your sites?

Need assistance with reviewing image quality for a retrospective batch of imaging?

Let MMI provide insights into your clinical study imaging.

Have questions? We’ll connect you immediately to one of our scientific managers and imaging experts. Your time is precious, and we want to make the most out of it.

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